Tuesday 11 November 2014

2014 Trends for Fire Protection

When we think of fire protection services, we often think of the usual -- fire sprinklers, a bright, red fire extinguisher and loud fire bells.  While these standards are still relevant, the year 2014 will see a welcoming of both technology and style into the industry.  These trends will not only keep us safer but also fit seamlessly into our modern, chic homes.  Below we examine three big trends that will be hitting the world of fire protections services.  Read more about this new equipment to see if any may be a fit for you.

fire protection services

Fire Retardant Materials
Fire retardant materials are now more versatile than ever as manufacturers continue to improve the technology.  Treating the items with a fire retardant chemical, many types of fabric can be used including cotton, silk, nylon, and even velvet.   A popular consumer product that has been chemically treated for years is children’s pajama sets with treating on both the PJ tops and bottoms.  These treated fabrics are extremely helpful in case of a fire as they will not ignite with flames.  The fire retardant process can also be applied to existing materials throughout the home or workplace.

Voice Evacuation Systems
Voice evacuation systems are quickly becoming popular technology advancements in the fire protection services world.  These units work much like a typical fire alarm system with the ability for the unit to detect smoke and temperature.  Once activated, the voice will direct people on what to do and where to go.  Many companies are also tying in varying languages and messages to meet the ever-changing demands.  This feature has been further expanded with the integration of both music and instruments into the evacuation message.

Stainless Steel Fire Extinguishers
Stainless steel isn’t just for residential kitchen appliances anymore.  This stylish metal is also great for equipment in the home built to put out fires such as fire extinguishers.  Fire extinguisher manufacturers are taking note of this trend that has been around for years and is now here to stay.  To address their customer’s desire for both form and function, the fire extinguisher industry has met the demand by incorporating this design feature into their units making them both beautiful and functional. Rather than having an eye sore sticking out with the typical red extinguisher, this steel model can fit anywhere and blend into its surroundings with ease.

If your home or business is already fully protected, you may not see a need to add any more fire protection services to your arsenal.  But if you are lacking some needed protection try incorporating these three trends for 2014.  The voice evacuation system would be an excellent safeguard for a large building or office complex.  A stainless steel extinguisher would be a perfect fit for a kitchen blending in nicely with your stainless steel oven and refrigerator.  Fire retardant materials can be outfitted pretty much anywhere you use fabric whether it is in the office furniture or on your living room drapes. Keeping you safe in 2014, these three fire protection services trends are here to stay. 

Having specialized in the Fire Protection Services signs trade for over 25 years, USAFP now works tirelessly to promote affordable fire safety for home and for business.

Source: Click Here

Monday 3 November 2014

6 Point Checklist for Restaurant Fire Safety

The restaurant industry has a huge target on their back when it comes to fires occurring in the workplace.  With hot temperatures, even hotter grease, and the use of many heating appliances, restaurateurs must be extra vigilant in the steps they take to reduce the risk of fire in their place of business. While having working restaurant fire sprinklers is important, there are other steps you can take to reduce your risk. And it doesn’t have to be a huge chore to undertake.  In fact, completing just a few simple tasks now can save you from fire heartache in the future.

restaurant fire sprinklers

1.    Utilize Restaurant Fire Sprinklers –
Restaurant fire sprinklers are one of the most important pieces of equipment you can install in your workplace.  These systems should be adequate enough for a restaurant setting and serviced every six months.

2.    Comply Industry Standards– The restaurant industry must comply with specific laws designed for their unique work setting.  For example, most newer-style deep fryers require a wet chemical suppression system rather than a dry one and must be UL 300 compliant.

3.    Train the Staff – Make sure to train your staff on how to look for potential dangers in the workplace.  Show them how to take a proactive approach to these dangers such as regular cleaning and removing debris from the ground and cooking areas.  Also offer extensive training on what to do in case of a fire such as an emergency exit plan and who to contact.

4.    Don’t Neglect the Exhaust System–Cleaning the exhaust system regularly is important to removing the buildup of grease that is bound to accumulate.  How often this dirty task needs to be completed will vary depending on how much your kitchen is used.  Those with minimal use may only need to clean annually while larger restaurants may need to clean the exhaust system quarterly.  Those utilizing charcoal or wood fires may need to clean their system even more frequently perhaps on a monthly basis.

5.    Keep It Posted– Display fire safety signs such as safe heating temperatures for deep fryers in public areas or areas which pertain to that particular signage.  Also post maintenance checklists, cleaning schedules, and fire inspection schedules as needed throughout the building so that all employees are aware of the steps they must take to prevent fires in the workplace.

6.    Perform a Fire Safety Check– Whether you hire a professional safety inspector or have one on staff, a fire safety check is a great way to see areas in which you are succeeding and areas in which you have left yourself open for fires to occur.  During the inspection, they will rate you on a number of areas and then brief you on their findings.  In the course of the briefing, they typically offer suggestions for improvements as well as equipment that may help strengthen your safety.

Don’t make a costly mistake by leaving your restaurant’s fire safety in a haphazard condition. Keeping your place of business a safe environment can be simple and easy.  Engaging these six steps can greatly reduce the risk of fire within the workplace ensuring safety for your customers, employees, and property by using restaurant fire sprinklers.

Source: Click Here

Wednesday 29 October 2014

Are You Handling Fire Extinguisher Inspection Correctly?

Just about every home and building has a fire extinguisher located in it somewhere. Even those with sprinkler systems generally have fire extinguishers located throughout in case of an emergency. While fire extinguishers are both convenient and efficient, they still need attention. Without a proper fire extinguisher inspection, you could suddenly have a bad situation turn much worse. Fortunately, fire extinguisher inspection doesn’t demand much. Keep reading for a quick tutorial on the matter.

fire extinguisher inspection

How Often Do I Need to Inspect My Fire Extinguisher?
Fire extinguisher inspections should happen ever six years. However, a fire extinguisher must always be inspected when:

•    It’s been used
•    The pin has either been pulled or otherwise moved
•    The gauge is not in the proper pressure area (usually green)
Check with your insurance company too, as they may have different demands regarding when you need to inspect extinguishers.

Who Can Inspect Them?

The ability to inspect fire extinguishers is covered by 29 CFR 1910.157 of the Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. If it’s a private residence, you may be ok to do it. However, for most businesses, your insurance company will probably have rules about a qualified contractor being in charge of inspecting it. Local governments will also have their own take.

Ensuring They’re Approved
There are many different kinds of fire extinguishers, designated by their class (which generally refers to what they use to put out fires). So whenever you do your fire extinguisher inspection, be sure you check to confirm yours is still approved either by your local municipality or your insurance company. In terms of government regulations, you can check 29 CFR 1910.157(c)(2) to make sure yours is still ok.

Making Them Available
Obviously, a fire extinguisher is no good if it can’t be found in the case of a fire. You also need to make sure it is extremely easy to locate because the panic a fire will cause can cloud people’s ability to think straight or remember where they saw it before.
So part of your fire extinguisher inspection needs to involve making sure all of yours are still in easy to spot locations. They have to be mounted on the wall, so they’re not missed by being too low. These locations should also be well marked.

It’s ok if you house your fire extinguisher in a cabinet or mounted box. However, part of your fire extinguisher inspection then means making sure that it is unobstructed and easily opened. If the cabinet or box is opaque, you have to make sure you label the outside so people know it contains a fire extinguisher.

Checking the Fire Extinguisher
Your fire extinguisher inspection wouldn’t be worth much if you didn’t actually check on the device itself. You won’t actually test it out, but you do have to check some key factors. One we already touched on is that the gauge needs to record that it’s ready to work by either showing the approved pressure or simply being in the green.
You want to inspect the extinguisher itself to make sure the unit isn’t banged up in any way, that the hose and nozzle are unobstructed and that the lever is in good shape and won’t be blocked when someone has to squeeze it.

Instructing Others
While this isn’t part of any official instruction, it’s worthwhile to take a moment during your fire extinguisher inspection to see that your staff understands where to find them in case of an emergency. You should also take a few minutes to ensure everyone knows how they work too. The easiest way to remember is with the acronym, P.A.S.S. It stands for:

•    Pull out the pin
•    Aim the hose low (you want to hit the base of the fire)
•    Slowly squeeze the lever with even pressure
•    Sweep the extinguisher’s nozzle from side to side so that it covers the entire base of the fire

It’s a good idea to read the instructions that came with your fire extinguisher just to make sure this is accurate. Again, not all extinguishers are the same, so it’s worth looking into.

Fire extinguishers aren’t the most complicated devices in the world, but they could easily save many lives. So take a moment to inspect them by following the above rules so you know they’ll work when it’s most important.

Source: Click Here

Saturday 25 October 2014

How Fire Protection Systems are Safeguarding Hospitals

Hospitals are places where people go to get well and receivelife-saving procedures.  While in the staff’s care, these patients are often very helpless and unable to take care of themselves.  During this vulnerable time, the overall fire safety of all those in the building must be of importance to hospital executives and staff.  For decades, fire protections systems have been safeguarding the hospital industry against deadly fires. While a hospital fire sprinkler system is a necessary tool there are many more pieces of equipment that can be employed in the hospital setting.  Let’s take some time to learn more about what steps the hospital industry must take to ensure the safety of the patients and staff should a fire occur.

fire sprinkler system

First and foremost, all hospital executives must ensure that they have in place a quality, working fire sprinkler system.  The system should be all-encompassing and cover the entire building.  The system should also be flexible enough to handle varying areas.  For example, a system designed for the restaurant industry may be needed for larger kitchen areas and facilities.  One may also want to consider a voice evacuation system in multiple languages.  This system will be able to effectively guide employees and staff out of the building during the event of a fire.

Second, fire doors are also an important tool of defense and the type of door installed can make all the difference.  Fire doors at hospitals must be easy to open and operate as well as able to protect against quick spreading fires and the smoke that comes along with them. A higher rated door will be more able to keep smoke and fire from spreading from room to room.  All corridors should also be protected using strong fire doors fitted for this setup.  When discussing hospitals, we must also take into consideration that certain doors must remain locked for the patient’s safety.  While these doors serve a security function, care must also be taken to ensure they are able to be opened in case of any emergency.

Finally, hospitals should be hiring professional fire protection contractors to assist them in thefire safety installations and maintenance.  These professional in the field can provide information on local and industry-specific ordinances and laws as well as fire safety inspections on the property.  The contractor can also suggest the latest in a hospital fire sprinkler system, fire doors, and other equipment that one may not be aware of.  Lastly, they can offer guidance on proper maintenance needed on the equipment explaining how the process works and how often it should be completed. 

Hospitals often are a sanctuary for those without the ability to help themselves during a critical point in their lives.  During this time, it is of the upmost importance that those running these facilities take all necessary steps to protect them from the threat of fires.  A hospital can benefit from a quality fire sprinkler systems as well as many other pieces of equipment all designed with the hospital industry in mind. 

USAFP provides fire sprinkler system for hospital , restaurant, warehouse, schools, museums and more. Call us at 847-816-0050 to get fire sprinkler system.

Source :   Click Here

Tuesday 14 October 2014

7 Tips for Fire Safety in the Workplace

Back in a previous life, I worked in retail. You could hear the serious gulps from my manager anytime he saw a certain person walk in the door – a firefighter.  He would dart his eyes my way and I knew what to do.  I would quickly, but discreetly, make my way to the back room and shove as many boxes away from the service door as I could.  I didn’t care where they went or how they landed; I just wanted us to pass inspection.  Looking back, this was not a safe practice for the employees, the customers shopping, or our merchandise.  Fire safety in the workplace is serious business.  How does your business rank on its fire safeguards?

Below I cover seven tips for fireplace safety in the workplace.

Never Block the Exits–Every business, including retail stores in the mall, should follow this rule every single minute of every single day.  Blocking the exits with garbage, boxes, or displays prevent people from getting out in the event of a fire.

Keep It Clean – Debris on the floor can make someone trip or fall if heading to the exit during a fire.  Also overflowing garbage or dust and other rubbish near electrical outlets and electronic machinery can create prime conditions for flames to start.

Use a Fire Sprinkler System–A good quality fire sprinkler system can help your business put out a fire during its early stages resulting in less fatalities and property damage.  Smothering the fire before it can grow, a fire sprinkler system is an effective and reliable tool to implement.  Not sure what your need?  A fire safety contractor can help find a model right for your needs.

Hire Out – Hiring a fire safety contractor to address safety concerns, train your employees, and devise fire plans in case of an emergency can be helpful for those without a safety manager on staff. 

fire sprinkler contractor

Assess the Risk – Either your own EHS professional or a reputable fire safety contractor should complete a fire risk assessment at your place of business.  During this time, they will check for potential hazards, evaluate your fire suppression tools, and offer suggestions on how you can better protect your building.

Have a Plan – Devise a practical plan on what to do if a fire should occur at your business.  Address different scenarios and places of fire origin as well.  Make sure to inform your employees of the plan and have them practice it.  This practice will help them feel confident in following through with the correct steps you have set forth. 

Train your Employees– Provide education and training to all employees, not just managers, on correct fire safety procedures.  Make them aware of local laws and ordinances that affect your company and show them how to conduct their own fire safety checks on a regular basis.
If you are a small business owner, follow these seven fire safety tips at your workplace for a safe, hazard-free work environment.  When in doubt, reach out to a professional for help.  And always make sure to follow your local laws and ordinances. 

Source :  Click Here

Monday 6 October 2014

An Introduction to Fire Sprinkler System Maintenance

If your building is outfitted with a sprinkler system, you’re right to feel a bit safer. You can rest easy knowing that, should a fire break out, your system will immediately react to keep everyone safe by containing the outbreak until the fire department arrives. However, this will only happen if you’ve been practicing sound fire sprinkler system maintenance. Systems that aren’t properly maintained may not work as they’re supposed to and that could end up costing you the ultimate price. So let’s take a look at what goes into fire sprinkler system maintenance and then take action to ensure you’re doing what’s necessary.

How Sprinklers Work
First, however, let’s take a quick look at how your fire sprinklers actually work. In the movies, at the first hint of fire, every sprinkler on the building’s floor goes off, covering the entire area in water.
That’s not how it actually works though. Each sprinkler head is designed to only go off when the area around it is hot enough to melt the fusible link blocking the flow of water. So a fire could actually only activate one or two heads, which then work to contain the flames until the authorities make it to the scene.
Why is this important? We’ll elaborate shortly, but the takeaway is that each head needs its own maintenance. It’s not like they all run on a single activation system and if one isn’t working correctly, the others will just pick up the slack.

The Control Valve
Any discussion on fire sprinkler system maintenance needs to touch on the control valve. It’s an essential part of any fire sprinkler system, and also an easy one to inspect. Essentially, there’s a valve in your building that must remain open in order for the water supply to flow. If this valve is off, your sprinklers will get no water and be useless in the case of a fire. Unfortunately, closed valves are the leading cause of widespread fire damage.
The good news is that checking the valve is probably the easiest component of fire sprinkler system maintenance. Just take a look once a week to ensure it’s still locked in the open position.
Also, sometimes the valve needs to be shut off to conduct maintenance or handle repairs on your system. When this is the case, be sure water is only shut off to the one area where the work is being done and only for as long as completely necessary. There’s no reason to take unnecessary risks.

 fire sprinkler system maintenance
Inspecting Sprinklers
When you want to inspect the actual sprinklers, you need to turn off the valve, as we just mentioned. It’s a good idea to put a brightly colored tag or ribbon on the valve when you do this as a visual reminder to you or anyone else who passes by that the valve needs to be turned back on later.
Also, alert the local authorities that you’re conducting fire sprinkler system maintenance. Your alarm company should know too in case you need to set yours off for a drill or as part of repairs. It’s also not a bad idea to tell your insurance company. Sometimes this is mandatory if it means keeping yourself covered by conducting regular fire sprinkler system maintenance.
Like we already said, keep your inspection to only as many sprinklers as necessary and allow the rest to operate as normal. You also want to make sure that you keep any ignition sources out of the area for the duration of the inspection.
In terms of how often you should conduct maintenance on your sprinklers, check NFPA 25: Standard for the Inspection, Testing, and Maintenance of Water-Based Fire Protection Systems. Depending on your municipality, you may need a certified contractor to handle your inspections and testing for you.

General Understanding
When it comes to your fire sprinkler system maintenance, no matter what rules you’re bound to by local powers and your insurance company, make sure your staff has a general understanding of the system. This should include:
•    Where the valve is and what it looks like when it’s open and closed
•    What a sprinkler looks like if anything’s wrong
•    Ensuring sprinklers are never blocked

Maintaining your fire sprinklers doesn’t need to be demanding, but it does need to get done. The simple steps above could be enough to save lives someday.

Having specialized in the fire sprinkler system maintenance signs trade for over 25 years, USAFP now works tirelessly to promote affordable fire safety for home and for business.


Source:Click Here

Monday 29 September 2014

Protecting Your Warehouse: Fire Safety

Warehouses pose a unique challenge when protecting commercial buildings from fire.  They often are overstuffed with machinery, paper, and other materials that can catch ablaze easily.  While protecting your warehouse with a fire sprinkler system is common practice, there are many other things to consider when discussing the subject.  If you are a warehouse manager or run a small business, take note of the ways listed below to protect your place of business by using warehouse fire sprinkler system. The list is a mix of traditional approaches like a quality fire sprinkler system along with a few tips you may not have thought of. 

Below are some ways to integrate fire safety practices into the warehouse:

Don’t Be Fooled – Just because you own a warehouse fire sprinkler system or passed an OSHA inspection; do not be fooled into thinking your business is protected from fires starting in the building.  There are many other potential dangers that could be hidden within your structure along with poor practices by your employees or contractors.

Protect Against Arson – While the majority of fires are set accidentally, some warehouse fires are caused by arson at the hands of other people.  To protect the warehouse from arson and break-ins, protect it with a quality alarm system.  These systems can offer motion detection or perimeter protection depending on the physical structure of the building and personal preference.

Store Pallets the Right Way – Wooden pallets are a huge help to carry loads and cargo in and out of the building.  They speed up processes and keep the plant moving.  These wooden carriers also pose a fire danger because of the material they are constructed of and the large amount of units that can be stored together.  Wooden pallets should be kept at least 3 inches apart when stored side-by-side.   When storing back to back, leave a 6 inch gap between the pallets. Vertically, your warehouse workers should also leave a 1 ½ to 2 foot gap between your pallet stacks and the fire sprinkler system.

warehouse fire sprinkler system

Smoking Rules–Lit ambers from cigarettes are a huge threat to combustible materials and those items prone to catching fire such as paper and wood.  Employ reasonable smoking policies for your employees keeping their cigarettes away from these threats.  Regardless of your personal choices, no employees should smoke within the warehouse building.  One can also develop guidelines on how far employees must be away from the building to light a cigarette.  Another suggestion is to establish a designated smoking area away from potential fire hazards. 

You could take the initiative one step further and make your business a non-smoking campus. With this rule, employees would not be able to smoke anywhere on business property and would have to leave during breaks to keep up their habit.

Taking your warehouse’s fire safety practices from the minimal warehouse fire sprinkler system to an all-encompassing protective program will keep your workers, products, and equipment safe from deadly fires.  By employing these tips, you are taking a pro-active approach sure to set your company apart from the rest.  If you are unsure of where to begin or don’t have the time to implement these tips, you may want to consider contacting a local professional for help.  They will have the resources and expertise to take your business to the next level in fire safety.

Wednesday 10 September 2014

6 Point Checklist When Hiring a Fire Protection Contractor

Many business owners lack the time and energy to invest into learning extensively about fire protection in the workplace.  While it is important to understand the basics, these entrepreneurs respect their limits and often hire a professional to lend their expertise in fire safety.  These contractors can assist with all fire protection services from sprinkle installation to fire evacuation training.  Below are some tips for hiring a fire protection contractor at your workplace.

1.      Evaluate Your Environment – Before they can help you, a fire protection contractor will need to understand your environment to provide services necessary for your unique situation. Does your business come in contact with hazardous materials?  Are you a restaurant using oils and fats?  These are important questions to ask yourself and ones that a professional will as well.

2.      Know Your Needs– For the most part, you know you will need a fire sprinkler system and extinguisher in your place of business, but what else?  Knowing your needs will help the provider prepare a comprehensive package of fire protection services.  During this time, you should also evaluate your limits.  If you are under-informed on the subject, you may need to rely on your contractor more to perform necessary maintenance and inspections.

3.       Follow Code– While you may not need to know every code and law out there, knowing the basics of local and municipal fire codes is a must for any business owner.   An experienced professional will be able to help you meet these requirements while also making sure you follow the lesser-known guidelines as well.  This partner can prove invaluable in providing expertise in a difficult to understand aspect of fire protection.

4.       Experience Is A Must – When hiring a fire protection contractor, you will want to find one with experience in the field.  You will also want them to have exposure to working in a setting similar to yours.  This will assure that they can address concerns relevant to your industry.  You can also research their credentials and fire protection services online.  Many reputable businesses now have at least a basic website that lists their certifications, specialties, and offerings.

5.      Bundle Services–Providing further cost-savings to their customers, many fire protection contractors offer bundled services.  These comprehensive programs typically include installation, maintenance, and inspection of all fire protection tools.  By securing an on-going relationship with the fire safety expert, business owners can provide a safe environment for their employees for years to come with little effort scheduling appointments and up-keeping a system.

6.      Include Training In The Contract– Ask your fire protection contractor if they also provide training.  Workshops for employees that include fire extinguisher instructions and fire evacuation procedures are invaluable in establishing a sound safety program.  If you don’t feel comfortable conducting these sessions or lack the knowledge to do so, hire the professional to do the work.

Leaving the fire protection at your place of business to chance is a dangerous endeavor.  Hiring a fire protection partner that can assist you in your system for years to come will not only offer security in the building but also piece of mind.  Using these 6 tips when hiring a contractor, you are sure to find a professional that is a perfect match.

Tuesday 26 August 2014

Should I Handle My Own Fire Sprinkler Installation?

When it comes to protecting yourself from the threat of a fire, no option compares to fire sprinklers. They don’t need anyone to operate them, nor does anyone have to be around to even activate them. They contain the fire as much as possible so it doesn’t spread, and they limit the amount of property damage done. For all these reasons and more, you should be considering fire sprinkler installation. However, if you’re looking to save a buck or simply enjoy a good project, you may also be considering handling the project on your own. Before you do, let’s take a look at fire sprinkler installation and some things you should know.

Handling Fire Sprinkler Installation on Your Own

The truth of the matter is that you have a number of options for installing your own fire sprinkler system. Thanks to the Internet, all the parts are out there. So long as you have an understanding of your piping system, you may very well be able to pull off an installation. Plus, the actual fire sprinklers only need to be connected to the pipes. Their design ensures they’ll go off if a fire happens.

That being said, this doesn’t mean handling your own fire sprinkler installation is a good idea. The American Fire Sprinkler Association is very much opposed to the idea of anyone without formal training attempting this process.

For one thing, they recommend that you only use materials approved by the National Fire Protection Association and that your installation meets their standards. Even with the Internet on your team, you may have a hard time pulling his off. Meeting their standards may also be difficult if you’re not sure on what exactly they mean.

Plus, you need to consider your insurance company. Many providers lower your premiums after a fire sprinkler installation. However, chances are they’re also very specific about who can handle it. If you’re not licensed, credentialed, certified, etc., there’s a good chance your insurance company doesn’t want you doing it. They may not lower your premium or, in the event of a fire, they may not be legally obligated to help you. 
Saving some money upfront really won’t be worth it then.

Your home may never catch fire (hopefully), but it can still take on plenty of damage if you try installing your own sprinkler system. The process involves altering the supply of water to your home meaning you’ll be giving it access to just about every room. This isn’t anything to worry about so long as the installation is handled correctly. However, if it’s not, you could have a pipe break or a sprinkler head drop out and all your hard work will simply net you one wet house.

fire sprinkler

The Cost of Professional Fire Sprinkler Installation

Plus, the fact of the matter is that having a professional install your sprinkler heads really isn’t that expensive. Many people may actually find that, because of their specialized tools and knowledge, letting a professional handle things is actually cheaper; it will definitely save you time.

Last year, the Fire Protection Research Foundation updated their Home Fire Sprinkler Cost Assessment Report. By their estimates, installing fire sprinklers in your home should only cost about $1.35 for every square foot of coverage in a home still under construction. That’s down more than 20% from 2008. Plus, people pay around the same amount to upgrade their carpets, pave a stone driveway or install a whirlpool bath. Those are all nice additions, to be sure, but none of them will save you and your family’s lives.

Furthermore, all the data shows that home sprinkler systems are becoming increasingly popular. This means that your investment may also help you sell your home down the road as consumers become more familiar with the feature and start demanding it in houses they consider. To some degree, that trend has already begun as homes with sprinkler systems consistently sell faster than those without.

Lastly, check with your local municipality. Having a professional handle your fire sprinkler installation may also net you a nice little tax rebate.

Homes with sprinklers installed are better off for a number of reasons. They’ll save lives and money in the event of a fire and may even help your budget in the meantime. However, if you plan on installing them on your own, you’ll be putting all this at risk.

Wednesday 13 August 2014

Your Questions Answered About Industrial Fire Sprinkler Systems

Any building out there, whether it be commercial or residential, runs the risk of catching fire. This would obviously put the structure’s integrity at risk as well as those caught inside it. However, industrial structures are especially at risk because of the materials they often contain and the operations they host. This is why industrial fire sprinkler systems are such a good idea. They won’t stop a fire from happening, but they can help put it out and ensure that people and property are left untouched. Keep reading for answers to common questions people have about them.

Don’t They Do More Harm Than Good?

This is a common misconception about industrial fire sprinkler systems. Everyone has seen a movie where one sprinkler head gets set off and immediately the rest of them follow suit. The result is usually an overreaction on the part of the system and the aftermath is seen as being costly.

In real life, however, that’s not remotely how industrial fire sprinkler systems work. Each sprinkler head is connected to a waterline, but in order for it to be activated, temperatures in the area need to reach roughly 150 degrees Fahrenheit. Obviously, such extreme temperatures would indicate that a fire had broken out.
Furthermore, each sprinkler head needs to be activated on its own. The water supply is obstructed by a glass vile with a chemical in it that expands when brought to extreme temperatures. So they function independently of one another.

One of the main benefits of sprinkler systems is actually that they’re so good about keeping fires from spreading and reaching greater amounts of property. 

Aren’t Industrial Fire Sprinkler Systems Extremely Expensive? 

That’s another misconception. Revisit the description of how sprinkler heads work and you’ll see that the technology is actually fairly simple. There’s no wiring that needs to be done or other procedures that come with a lot of overhead. 

Instead, it just takes adding some piping to your construction and making holes for the sprinkler heads to fit through. For those in the midst of construction or who are yet to break ground, industrial fire sprinkler systems can cost as little as $2 per square foot. Some will be even less. If you want a system added into your existing building, you still are unlikely to pay more than $4 per square foot. Keep in mind; both those estimates include the equipment and installation costs.

Given what your industrial fire sprinkler system will do, these costs aren’t much. If a fire breaks out, you’ll be glad you made the investment. Plus, many insurance companies will charge you less if they know these sprinklers are in place.

Also, maintenance costs are negligible at best. You’re looking at maybe another $125 a year to ensure they’re all still operating correctly.

What Happens if They Go Off on Accident?

That would definitely be an issue. Fortunately, the technology behind industrial fire sprinkler systems makes it almost a statistical impossibility. Ask the company that installs it about a warranty in such an event. Chances are they provide one, seeing as how rare this type of accident is.

Other Things to Consider

There are a number of other selling points about these systems that you should consider as well. Given the size of most industrial facilities, it could be very easy for a fire to build on its own before anyone catches wind or the smoke finds a detector.

With a sprinkler system, this isn’t an issue. Were a fire to start when the facility was completely empty, you’re still assured appropriate action is taken by your sprinkler system. If people are in the facility, their safe to take off for safety, yet the fire can still be subdued or at least contained while emergency workers arrive.

Hopefully, this answers many of the questions you may have had about industrial fire sprinkler systems. When you look at the facts, they’re really a no-brainer for any industrial facility.

Thursday 24 July 2014

Are You Handling Fire Extinguisher Inspection Correctly?

Just about every home and building has a fire extinguisher located in it somewhere. Even those with sprinkler systems generally have fire extinguishers located throughout in case of an emergency. While fire extinguishers are both convenient and efficient, they still need attention. Without a proper fire extinguisher inspection, you could suddenly have a bad situation turn much worse. Fortunately, fire extinguisher inspection doesn’t demand much. Keep reading for a quick tutorial on the matter.

How Often Do I Need to Inspect My Fire Extinguisher?
Fire extinguisher inspections should happen ever six years. However, a fire extinguisher must always be inspected when:
•    It’s been used
•    The pin has either been pulled or otherwise moved
•    The gauge is not in the proper pressure area (usually green)
Check with your insurance company too, as they may have different demands regarding when you need to inspect extinguishers.

Who Can Inspect Them?
The ability to inspect fire extinguishers is covered by 29 CFR 1910.157 of the Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. If it’s a private residence, you may be ok to do it. However, for most businesses, your insurance company will probably have rules about a qualified contractor being in charge of inspecting it. Local governments will also have their own take.

Ensuring They’re Approved
There are many different kinds of fire extinguishers, designated by their class (which generally refers to what they use to put out fires). So whenever you do your fire extinguisher inspection, be sure you check to confirm yours is still approved either by your local municipality or your insurance company. In terms of government regulations, you can check 29 CFR 1910.157(c)(2) to make sure yours is still ok.

Making Them Available
Obviously, a fire extinguisher is no good if it can’t be found in the case of a fire. You also need to make sure it is extremely easy to locate because the panic a fire will cause can cloud people’s ability to think straight or remember where they saw it before.

So part of your fire extinguisher inspection needs to involve making sure all of yours are still in easy to spot locations. They have to be mounted on the wall, so they’re not missed by being too low. These locations should also be well marked.

It’s ok if you house your fire extinguisher in a cabinet or mounted box. However, part of your fire extinguisher inspection then means making sure that it is unobstructed and easily opened. If the cabinet or box is opaque, you have to make sure you label the outside so people know it contains a fire extinguisher.

Checking the Fire Extinguisher
Your fire extinguisher inspection wouldn’t be worth much if you didn’t actually check on the device itself. You won’t actually test it out, but you do have to check some key factors. One we already touched on is that the gauge needs to record that it’s ready to work by either showing the approved pressure or simply being in the green.
You want to inspect the extinguisher itself to make sure the unit isn’t banged up in any way, that the hose and nozzle are unobstructed and that the lever is in good shape and won’t be blocked when someone has to squeeze it.

Instructing Others
While this isn’t part of any official instruction, it’s worthwhile to take a moment during your fire extinguisher inspection to see that your staff understands where to find them in case of an emergency. You should also take a few minutes to ensure everyone knows how they work too. The easiest way to remember is with the acronym, P.A.S.S. It stands for:
•    Pull out the pin
•    Aim the hose low (you want to hit the base of the fire)
•    Slowly squeeze the lever with even pressure
•    Sweep the extinguisher’s nozzle from side to side so that it covers the entire base of the fire

It’s a good idea to read the instructions that came with your fire extinguisher just to make sure this is accurate. Again, not all extinguishers are the same, so it’s worth looking into.

Fire extinguishers aren’t the most complicated devices in the world, but they could easily save many lives. So take a moment to inspect them by following the above rules so you know they’ll work when it’s most important.

Original Source

Saturday 21 June 2014

How to Keep your Sprinkler System Properly Maintained

This article discusses some of the methods a user can employ to upkeep or maintain a fire sprinkler system. These should be done in conjunction with regular professional inspections and maintenance

One of the most effective ways of insuring safety in the event of a fire is to install a fire sprinkler system during the construction of a building or to add a system to an existing building through retrofitting. Retrofitting may be expensive but the benefits derived in terms of safety and peace of mind are often worth the cost. In new homes, however, a system may be a minor cost to bear and a great asset to have over the years once they are kept in working condition through regular maintenance.

Proper Maintenance of a fire sprinkler system requires training as well as careful attention to detail. As an owner you may achieve some basic aspects of maintenance on your own between regular visits by a certified technician. Your first aim in maintaining your system would be to ensure that all occupants of the building are aware of its function and treat it as such. The use of paint or hanging decorations on the sprinkler head itself is not permitted and these ground rules should be passed on to any decorators or other personnel who may not be regular users but may need to make aesthetic changes to the room. The heads of the sprinklers should also be generally off-limits to unnecessary contact as an accidental pat may land with enough force to damage something internal without the user’s knowledge.

Even without human interference a sprinkler head may become obstructed by dust, spiderwebs and other small particles so these should be looked at carefully at least once a month to ensure that they are clear and can facilitate the free flow of water in the event of an emergency. When checking these things also look about for general differences in the appearance of your system. If something seems different and causes you concern you should call in the company that put the system in for maintenance or another reputable firm if they are unavailable.

Professional maintenance will begin with the arrival of your technician who will check the area the system occupies for anything that may keep your sprinklers from functioning. The technician may then take a look at each sprinkler head to assess if it is properly placed, capable of functioning and properly labeled. This will also been done for the associated valves. Tests will be done on the water pressure delivered to the sprinklers to ensure that it is adequate to put out a blaze.

The Sprinkler alarm is a vital part of the usability of the device and if it were to fail the rest of the system would be useless to you in a disaster so this par of the sprinkler system will be carefully checked by your technician as well. Having done this and other tests, they will give you any recommendations on how to remedy any issues they have encountered with your sprinkler system and record the details of the inspection for further reference. With regular upkeep your fire sprinkler system can be counted on to keep your property safe for years.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/8507906

Friday 21 February 2014

Get innovative and professional fire protection services now!

Fire is the most disastrous natural calamity that can happen anytime and anywhere without any prior intimation. There are many causes of fire as it can happen from a natural calamity or by an individual. Whatever be the reason of occurrence of fire, it will ultimately lead to the loss of valuable assets and also the lives of your dear ones. Fire protection equipment is not enough to safeguard your house, organization or family members’ from the fire. Due to this reason, fire protection companies came into existence that offers standard fire protection services.

Skilled professionals of these companies have optimum knowledge of fire protection schemes which they can apply in an effective and excellent way. Fire protection services help you to protect all the valuables from the trap of the fire. These fire protection service agents offer training programs for the people. They install high quality protection systems in the residential as well as commercial buildings and provide full coverage of the fire. Commercial buildings have different requirements as well as the residential buildings have other, the professionals install the protection system in such a way that caters the needs and requirements of the customers in a true way.